
Media Indespensable Partner To Nigerian Army -COAS

The Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Faruk Yahaya, has stated that the media remains an indispensable ally of the Nigerian Army, NA.

Gen. Yahaya affirmed this earlier today, while playing host to the Managing Director/Editor-in-Chief of Sun Publishing Limited, Mr. Onuoha Ukeh and gis management team at the Army Headquarters, Abuja.

TheFact Nigeria notes the Army Chief’s emphasis that the media plays a pivotal role in the success or otherwise of military operations.

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The COAS maintained that support and sacrifices of the media in the fight against insurgency and banditry are well noted and highly appreciated.

He pointed out that expectations of the NA are that the media will continue to support the efforts of the military, as part of their patriotic duty, by giving publicity to troops’ operations, which he said, will undoubtedly shore up troops’ morale and fighting will.

The Army Chief further disclosed that insurgents and bandits thrive on the publicity they get from a section of the media, noting that if their activities are denied media publicity, fifty percent of the military’s job would have been done.


He thanked the Editor-in-Chief and his mangement team for the courtesy visit and appreciated the media for their commitment and support.

In his remarks, the CEO of Sun Publishing Limited, Mr Onuoha Ukeh, lauded the NA for its efforts and sacrifices towards stamping out terrorism, banditry and sundry violent crimes in the country.

He also commented on the command style of the COAS and synergy with sister services and other security agencies, which, he said, had changed the dynamics of military operations, especially in the north east, where elements of Boko Haram fighters are surrendering to the troops in droves.

He promised continued support and collaboration of Sun Newspapers with the NA.

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