The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday, renew hope that someday, the myriad of challenges of insecurity, among others, will be a thing of the past.
Archbishop of Kaduna, Most Revd. Matthew Man-Oso Ndagoso, gave the indication in his Easter Message, Saturday.
According to Archbishop Ndagoso, Christ’s cry during his crucifixion, is exemplified in the feeling of anguish and frustration by Nigerians, occasioned by terrorism, banditry, kidnapping, armed robbery and other violent crimes.
Ndagoso in a statement by the National Director of Social Communications, Revd.Fr. Mike Umoh specifically, admonished Christians to reconcile themselves to the circumstances of life, saying God will bring light at the end of the tunnel.
“Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Jesus’ Good Friday cry of anguish on the Cross to the Father, “Eli, Eli, Lama Sabbachthani” is indeed the cry of anguish of most Nigerians today weighed down by the unprecedented situation of insecurity in the land caused mainly by kidnappings for ransom, banditry, continued and un-abating insurgency, armed robbery, cultism, continued deadly pastoralists / farmers clashes etc.
“No one in our dear country today needs telling about the challenges we all face. However, difficult and bitter as our past and present experiences may be, it is not the end of the world and by the grace of God it will not be.
“It was the experience of the disciples of Jesus during the first holy week, particularly on Good Friday. We should always remember that Good Friday did not have the last word. Easter Sunday had.
“Let us therefore learn to see the daily difficulties, challenges and sufferings we encounter in life as our “Good Fridays”, His Grace said.
While noting that “the dramatic events of Holy Week that preceded the resurrection, namely, the agony, crucifixion and death of Jesus, challenge us to examine our faith in the face of difficult and trying moments such as the one we live in”, the cleric added that no situation defies redemption.
His words: “Easter challenges us to look beyond Good Friday. It reminds us that God always has a way of leading his people through difficult and trying moments into victory.
“Consequently, the transformation of Jesus from death to life through the resurrection should” help us in overcoming our present difficulties and challenges.
“The Resurrection of Jesus assures us that no situation in human life is beyond redemption; that even the worst of situations of suffering and despair as being experienced in our country today are redeemable” (Easter message).
“The good news as we al1 know is that Jesus was not, after all abandoned by the Father in his moment of need when he cried out. The event we celebrate today, the resurrection, is proof that the Father was with him all through.
With the resurrection of Jesus from the dead it is our hope and belief that the stone has been rolled back on our despair because things have changed for the better.
“The darkness is gone because Jesus is alive for he is risen. The disciples did not choose the wrong master after all. Neither have we”.
He continued: “God used angels to rollaway the stone that covered the entrance to Jesus’ tomb. He will in His own good time use his angels to rollaway the seeming insurmountable obstacles that face our country today especially the nagging issue of insecurity.
God is mystery.
“Jesus is God and therefore a mystery. His resurrection from the dead is not only a mystery but the mystery of mysteries. “