
Why Mobile Network Users Experience Data Depletion-NCC

The Nigerian Commissions Commission (NCC) has disclosed that mobile network users experience data depletion either as a result of data usage or consumption.

The Executive Vice Chairman (EVC) , NCC, Prof. Umar Danbatta disclosed this on Thursday at the 91st edition of the Telecom Consumer Parliament (TCP) titled, Data Depletion: discussions on various perspectives in Abuja.

The EVC who was represented by the Director, Licensing and Authorization,Muhammed Babajika, said that data depletion was one of the most prevalent complaints received from telecom consumers in the country.

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He added that most of the complaints came as a result of the consumer’s recent migration to 4G/LTE technology.

According to the EVC, ”this deliberation could therefore not have come at a more auspicious time, as Nigeria moves with the rest of the world towards 5G technology following the issuance of 3.5GHz spectrum licenses to MTN Nigeria Communications Limited, MAFAB Communications Limited and Airtel Networks Limited.

“It is pertinent to know that whereas 4G offers better download speeds, higher bandwidth and voice quality than 3G technology, 5G technology provides the additional benefits of ultra-high speed data, low latency and higher bandwidth over 4G technology.

“It is therefore important that we completely appreciate and understand the issues surrounding data depletion, its usage and consumption in the era of 4G technology before we fully commence 5G usage,”he said.

He added that ,” as much as the Commission has an obligation to the telecom consumer, it also has an obligation to the Industry; a symbiotic relationship in which one party cannot survive without the other.

“The consumers are the basis for the operators’ business; if their interests are ignored, the operators’ investments would collapse, and there would be no industry for the Commission to regulate.

“It is thus expedient that we utilise opportunities presented by the Commission’s high-level outreach events.

“Events such as this Parliament to genuinely exchange ideas on how to reduce the challenges militating against effective service provision to the barest minimum,” he said.

He said issues around 5th Generation technology (5G), opportunities and challenges were prominent at the last edition of the TCP.

The commission’s head of Consumer Affairs Bureau, Mr Ayanbanji Ojo, said this redesigned TCP has strengthened engagements for the benefit of telecom consumers.

“It is our responsibility to ensure that the consumers voices are heard and that their complaints are addressed by the relevant stakeholders.

“I enjoin you all to make the most of the 91st Telecom Consumer Parliament, which will help to reinforce more efforts aimed at protecting telecom consumer interest and ultimately promoting a healthy telecom industry for all”.

The Deputy Director Technical Standards and Network Integrity, NCC Engr. Edoyemi Ogoh, in his presentation, said you suffer data depletion as as result of the technology you are using.

“If you are using 3G technology to watch a video on YouTube and you use a 4G to watch same video on YouTube it will consume more data using 4G likewise if you use 5G.High performance phones also consume more data than low performance phones.”

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