Baptist Convention Faults JAMB’s Allegation Over Fee Hike

The Nigerian Baptist Convention (NBC) has faulted the action of Registrar of Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB), Prof. Is-haq Oloyede over the alleged hike of JAMB fees by the Baptist Girls Academy in Lagos.
The Chairman, Education Management Board for NBC Prof. Oyesoji Aremu, in a statement on Sunday said Baptist Girls Academy did not charge N8000,00 for JAMB Registration as claimed by Prof. Oloyede.
TheFact Nigeria gathered that on April 28, the registrar who was on tour to the school was seen questioning the supervising teacher and his pupils on the cost of JAMB registration. Oloyede asked the students to provide information on their JAMB registration. While the students said they paid N8,000, the teacher insisted it was actually N4,700.
However, NBC said Oloyede should have investigated the issue to emotional trial and public opprobrium.
According to the convention, the breakdown of the charges included JAMB registration (N3,500); novel, which he said was recommended and provided by JAMB (N500); Computer-Based Test charges (N700), Test Driller software and installation – CBT practice kit (N2,000); and transportation and feeding (N1,300).
The statement reads in part:”Baptist denomination, here and in other climes, is a pride to christendom. This pride is rooted in legacies of training and values which every baptist is taken through. And by extension, the virtues and values which go with sound academic traditions are given to students in our schools nationally. Given this, Baptist Mission Schools abhor illicit and sharp practices; and same are disallowed in their engagements within and outside.
“This is not in the interest of the teacher’s psychology and the school’s public image as Prof. Oloyede took delight in disparaging Baptist Girls Academy. It is also not-too-good for the JAMB Registrar to have made the poor girl to have confronted her teacher before the barrage of cameras. One, the poor girl would not want to continue to savour the memory. It was a bad one for her.
“The psychology of the teacher was also debased given the sociopsychological web (created by the action of the JAMB Registrar) between him and his girl-student. Methinks, Prof. Oloyede should have handled this much better. The emotion of the teacher is better imagined in such a situation when his student was made to confront him. That itself, could breed disrespect and indiscipline in the school.
“Let me make it clear that the alleged money in excess of what the Registrar alluded to was charged with the consent of the parents through the Parents Teachers’ Association platform. Ours is a private school not funded by the Government. The question is, who pays for services to be rendered when such charges are not part of the termly school fee regime?
“Beyond what Prof. Oloyede made the public to believe by singling out one of the Baptist Mission Schools, it is in the public domain that other private schools in Nigeria charged fees that ranged between #10,000.00 and #25,000.00 (depending on services that will be provided during the examinations for the student). If the Registrar is in doubt of this, he is at liberty to deploy intelligence in this regard. What then is the fuss about Baptist Girls Academy?
“Here, our public leaders should endeavour to imbibe some soft skills while on tour of duties. It is in the best interest of our society which is fast losing some virtues.
“While the JAMB Registrar is lauded for his quality assurance tour of duty as his practice every year, he is advised to show more discernment and restraint so as not to give wrong labels as his actions portrayed in the video clip that went viral.
“The best Prof. Oloyede could have done in the referred video clip, if he suspected any infractious behaviour by the School, was to have called the Proprietor of Baptist Mission Schools in Nigeria. After all, the popular Yoruba adage says, you don’t know the owner of a dog and kill it. Or, drawn the attention of the Ministry of Education, Lagos State to it. Public offices are supposed to be held in trust for all and in the best interest of all.” It said.