
Nigerian Navy Polo Club To Take Off Soon – Navy Chief

Naval personnel who are Polo players and enthusiasts should be smiling soon as the Nigerian Navy, NN, has commenced processes towards the establishment of its Polo Club.

Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS), Vice Admiral Awwal Gambo, who disclosed this at the weekend during the closing ceremony of 9th Polo Tournament held at the Keffi Polo Ranch, emphasized that the Club would contribute to the development of the game of Polo in Nigeria.

TheFact Nigeria notes Gambo’s recollection that the Nigerian Navy family was formerly introduced to the game of Polo through a Polo Tournament organised by the Guards Brigade Polo Club as part of the events for the Chief of the Naval Staff Annual Conference 2021.

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The Navy Chief observed that as a team sport, the game highlights the importance of building strong communication, developing leadership skills and team work among the players. These attributes, he added, are quite instructive towards developing the desired comraderie needed to foster synergy and team work among personnel in the discharge of our security obligations.

The CNS lauded the organizers of the Polo Tournament for organizing the event which was in support of educational development in Nigeria.

Admiral Gambo stated that education is regarded as the best legacy to bequeath to the younger generation hence the commitment of the Nigerian Navy towards the education and educational development of the children of its personnel, including children and youths from its host communities through the establishment of welfare schools across the country.

He further stated that the Nigerian Navy is actively involved in the ongoing safe school initiative towards creating a safe and secured learning environment for children and youth across the country.

The CNS, while also affirming that the tournament was indeed a noble cause and means of collectively investing in the future of children and youth, expressed these light of the Nigerian Navy to be part of the laudable endeavour, adding that the initiative constituted a modest contribution to the Federal Government’s efforts at providing quality education for the Nigerian child and youth.

The CNS appreciated the Patron of the Keffi Polo Ranch, Honourable Ahmed Wadada Aliyu, and members of the organising committee for hosting the week long tournament.

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