
NUT Urges FG To Resume Funding Of Regulatory Body

By Alice Etuka, Abuja

The Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) has called on the Federal Government to resume funding of its regulatory body, the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN), adding that they were already rated as best in Africa and could not afford to lose the position.

The National President of NUT, Audu Amba stated this on Thursday, June 27, 2024 while speaking at the Public Presentation of the Professional Standards for School Leadership held in Abuja.

Amba said that the decision to stop funding the Council was hostile, noting that the Council was critical to the development of teaching profession in the country.

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“TRCN is the regulatory body that professionalise every body that teaches in primary, secondary and universities.

“We woke up overnight that federal government decided to say that they have stopped funding the TRCN.

“I have never seen anywhere in the world that a regulatory body that is supposed to regulate the teaching profession is not funded, do we really mean business when doing this?”, he asked.

He added that the country pays more attention to other aspect while giving lip service to the teaching profession, the real implementer of other sectors:

“Are we saying that teachers are inconsequential? We will not allow it go as leaders of teachers.

“We will agitate and make sure government fund TRCN because we have gone a long way as the leading country in Africa, so we can’t be seen retracting back”, he said.

Meanwhile, the Registrar/Chief Executive of TRCN, Prof. Josiah Ajiboye said the review of the Professional Standards for School Leadership was undertaken to reflect the evolving instructional roles of school leaders.

Ajiboye noted that it was also to provide a comprehensive guiding framework that address contemporary challenges and opportunities within the education system.

He explained that, while the existing professional standards emphasise the administrative responsibilities of school leaders, there was a recognised need to establish comprehensive standards that address their crucial role in instructional leadership.

“This charged them with the responsibility to provide professional learning for teachers and are considered as the most effective type of leadership practice for improving student learning outcomes.

“The document is setting the stage for a transformative impact on the educational landscape of Nigeria.

“The standards outlined herein are intended to promote a culture of continuous improvement, professional growth, and accountability among school leaders”, he said.

On his part, the Minister of Education, Prof. Tahir Mamman acknowledged the roles of teachers in developing value system at the heart of learners, hence the need to support their crucial roles.

He therefore pledged the commitment of the federal government to providing necessary resources, training, and support to help them succeed in their profession.

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