
I’ll Fight For Free Inhalers than Menstrual Pads —Actress Etinosa

Popular Nollywood Actress, Etinosa Idemudia, has spoken against the idea of females getting free menstrual pads.

Lately, women-rights activists have been voicing out on the need for sanitary pads to be freely given to girls.

This call has made the society to begin to key into that idea however, it is a different case for Etinosa.

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According to her, there are better things to fight for right now.

On her IG story, she wrote:

“There are more relevant things to fight for than Free Menstrual Pads for girls. No offense but i would rather fight for FREE VENTOLIN INHALERS than fight for free Menstrual pads using the same premise-nobody asked to be asthmatic.
While Asthma kills, I have never seen anyone die from blood stain.

I write this clutching my now ritualist-expensive inhaler in my hand; and the price keeps increasing daily.

Yea fight for free food too”.

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