
US Terrorist Alert: DSS Calls For Calm

The Department of State Security (DSS), has urged calm amid security advisory by the United States Embassy in Abuja.

This was made known in a statement on Sunday, October 23, 2022 by the DSS spokesman, Peter Afunnanya.

TheFact Daily recalls that the US embassy had, on Sunday in its advisory, alerted of “an elevated risk of terror attacks in Nigeria, specifically in Abuja, adding that targets may include, though not limited to, government buildings, places of worship, schools and markets, among other public places. The embassy had said that as a result, it “will offer reduced services until further notice”.

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In its reaction, the DSS submitted that necessary precautions be taken by all and sundry, and enjoined the populace to remain alert and assist security agencies with useful information regarding threats and suspicious criminal acts around them.

“Meanwhile, the Service calls for calm as it works with other law enforcement agencies and stakeholders to maintain peace and order in and beyond Abuja”, the statement read in part.

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