
Power: TCN MD, Abdulaziz Appointed CIGRE Chairman

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN)has announced the appointment of its Acting MD/CEO, Engr. Sule A. Abdulaziz as Ag. Chairman of the West African National Committee of CIGRE.

General Manager, Public Affairs, TCN, Ndidi Mbah announced the appointment and the inauguration of the “Congrés International des Grands Réseaux Electriques (International Council of Large Electric Networks), West Africa National Committee (CIGRE- WANC)” in a statement issued in Abuja today on behalf of the West African Power Pool (WAPP).

The statement said, with this, CIGRE-WANC joins sixty (60) other National Committees with highly resourceful and professional bodies that make up the global CIGRE with headquarters in France.

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The global CIGRE has members from all over the world, comprising thousands of individual professionals from over 90 countries and about 1,250 corporate organizations, including some of the world’s leading experts.

The West African National Committee, CIGRE-WANC with office within the WAPP Secretariat, Cotonou, shall be in charge of the management, development and implementation of all CIGRE activities within the fifteen countries of West Africa.

It is important to note that membership of CIGRE-WANC would be of immense benefit to scientific and academic communities in electro technics and electro mechanics, students and consultants in electrical energy and technicians working in the field of power generation, transmission and distribution, as well as manufacturers of electro technical materials and equipment.

CIGRE’s National Committees offer diverse technical perspectives and expertise from every corner of the globe. The National Committee presently has a coordination desk in TCN Headquarters, Abuja.

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