Naira Will Continue To Appreciate Against The Dollar -Shettima


By Sunday Etuka, Abuja

Vice President Kashim Shettima
has expressed hope that the nation’s currency, the Naira would continue to appreciate against the dollar at the foreign exchange market.

His Spokesperson, Mr Stanley Nkwocha in a statement on Saturday disclosed that
Shettima stated this when a delegation of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) led by its President, Gabriel Idahosa, paid him a courtesy visit in his office at the President Villa, Abuja.

He noted that they knew the challenges ahead and still went round the country campaigning, adding that they were aware President Tinubu is capable of addressing the challenges.

The VP clarified that President Bola Tinubu
had to end fuel subsidy and ensure the unification of the multiple exchange rate because the former arrangement was producing billionaires overnight.

Noting that the Dollar will further crash against the Naira, the Vice President said, “Naira went haywire and some people were celebrating but inwardly we were laughing at them because we knew that we have the leadership to reverse the trend.

Asiwaju knows the game, and truly the naira is gaining and the difference will drop further”.

Senator Shettima recalled that the quality of leadership provided by President Tinubu as governor of Lagos laid the foundation for the massive development witnessed in the state, adding that “we will always thank President Tinubu for providing the blueprint for the development of Lagos that we are seeing today”.

The VP further assured that the Tinubu
administration is doing its best to address challenges in the power sector because it is aware that power is absolutely essential.

“We are determined to ensure that we generate jobs for our youths. Honestly, the President’s obsession is to live in a place of glory, to transform this country to a higher pedestal.

“He wants to leave a legacy, one of qualitative leadership because the hope of the black man, the hope of Africa rests with Nigeria. “I want to assure you that President Tinubu
is one of you. He understands your ecosystem. In this government, you have an ally and a friend,” VP Shettima further noted.

Earlier, the LCCI President, Idahosa, presented some of the organisation’s recommendations to VP including “more innovations to address the insecurity challenge, considering its multidimensional impact on the economy.”

The LCCI also urged the Tinubu
administration to ensure a significant upswing in the pace and scale of alternative policy measures that promote credit access, stimulate investment, and support entrepreneurship.

“This could include targeted interventions such as concessional lending facilities, loan guarantees, and interest rate subsidies tailored to the needs of SMEs and key sectors of the economy like agriculture, manufacturing, and power technology,” he added.

Other members of the LCCI on the delegation included Chief John Odeyemi, Chief Dr. Nike Akande, Asiwaju (Dr.) M. Olawale –Cole, Prince Funayo Okeowo, Gwueke Ajaifa, Sir Ladi Smith, Abimbola Ola, Olufemi Bakare, Ayotunde Coker, Tolulope Adeleke, Stephen Alangbo, Dr Chinyere Almona and Mrs Temitope Akintunde.

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