
FIFA, WHO Launch Global Brain Injury Awareness Campaign

By Alice Etuka, Abuja

Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) is launching a global brain injury awareness campaign, in partnership with the World Health Organisation (WHO).

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This is according to a statement issued by the duo on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.

They explained that the campaign aimed to raise awareness of the fact that concussion is a traumatic brain injury and is a risk to every player on the pitch. It has been endorsed by players, coaches and team doctors from around the world.

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“Developed through extensive consultation with FIFA Medical and WHO brain health experts, the Suspect and Protect campaign aims to increase sign and symptom recognition among players, coaches and medical staff, as well as the general public.

“The campaign highlights that symptoms may take up to 72 hours to appear and offers guidance on how to return to play safely following a suspected or confirmed concussion. These tailored resources are designed to empower national team stakeholders, professional clubs and leagues and grassroots and amateur communities”, the statement explained.

It added that, Suspect and Protect will be delivered at a global level across FIFA channels, while toolkits were being distributed to the 211 FIFA Member Associations for delivery at a national, regional and local level.

Speaking about the campaign, FIFA President Gianni Infantino said, “Concussion is a brain injury and should always be taken seriously. Playing football should be something enjoyed safely, by everyone, everywhere.

“By knowing the signs of concussion, by being aware of the risks, and by treating a concussion correctly, you can help to put player safety first.

“A big thank you to FIFA’s member associations for their efforts in launching with us and for following the advice provided by our colleagues at the World Health Organization.”

Similarly, Director-General of WHO, Tedros Ghebreyesus explained that concussion was a public health issue of concern at all levels of football, and many other sports, requiring greater levels of awareness and action.

“That is why WHO is proud to team up with FIFA on the Suspect and Protect campaign to promote ways to protect the brains of footballers, young and old, around the world from the risks of concussion”, he said.

The campaign is built upon three main action points for audiences within national teams, professional clubs and leagues and amateur and grassroots communities.

Suspect and Protect will highlight risks of concussion and provide educational resources for everyone involved at every level of football.

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