
Again, Labour, FG Meeting Ends In Deadlock

By Sunday Etuka, Abuja

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The marathon meeting between the Federal Government and the Organised Labour on Sunday ended in deadlock, as the unions insisted on embarking on the indefinite strike as scheduled.

The Senate President, Godswill Akpabio and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Tajudeen Abbas arranged the meeting to avert the strike, but was fruitless.

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The unions made of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), and Trade Union Congress (TUC), however, agreed to look into the demand made by the leadership of the National Assembly to suspend the planned strike action.

While the unions are demanding for a sum of N494,000 as national minimum wage, the federal government has offered to pay N60,000 as national minimum wage, explaining that even though the organised labour is keen on the take-home pay of about 1.2 million workers, it is concerned with the welfare of over 200 million Nigerians based on its Guiding Principle of Affordability, Sustainability, and the overall health of the nation’s economy.

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