Congratulatory Message to Professor Ibrahim Gambari

Congratulations Professor Ibrahim Gambari on your appointment as Chief of Staff to the President. Every human being has his own well wishers and those who do not have such dispositions towards him.
You cannot be an exception. Whatever your adversaries may have against you, one thing they cannot deny is the special favours God has bestowed on you of patriotism, competence, loyalty and commitment to duty.
You served your country in different capacities over the years as one of the most competent and respected Ministers of External Affairs.
As one of the longest serving diplomats for over ten years of service as Nigerian Ambassador and Permanent Repressive in the United Nations, Special Nigerian Representative in the United Nations including your elections as President of the Security Council on two different occasions is an eloquent testimony of your competence and international standing and proficiency in the discharge of your responsibilities.
In a tenure spanning for almost ten years as Leader of the United Nations Special Committe on Peace Keeping Operations in different areas of conflict in the world.
You led many United Nations missions including Special Committee against Apathead and Security Council missions to Burundi, Rwanda and Mozambique.
Those who worked with you in your various assignments in the United Nations and other places will testify on your capabilities, competence and commitment to duty.
As a delegate to the 2014 National Conference I witnessed your skill in helping delegates at the Conference to overcome crises at crucial moments on a number of occasions during the Conference.
The success of your intervention will remain fresh in the memories of those of us who were privileged to work with you during that Conference.
I am certain that wherever it pleases Almighty Allah to assign you to work you will discharge such assignment given to you creditably and to the best of your ability.
Knowing Your skill in handling human affairs I am sure you will not be found wanting in your new assignment.
I wish you God’s guidance, blessings and success in this assignment. Congratulations once more Professor.
Ever yours, Tanko Yakasai OFR.