
NAICOM Boss Stresses Need To Build Enduring Institutions

By Sunday Etuka, Abuja

The Commissioner for Insurance, Mr. Olusegun Omosehin, has emphasized the need to build a resilience and sustainable institutions that would outlive their founders.

Mr. Omosehin stated this while giving his Goodwill Message at the 2024 Nigeria Council of Registered Insurance Brokers (NCRIB) CEO’s Retreat held in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, with a theme: “Building Institutions That Survive Their Promoters.”

Represented by the Deputy Commissioner, Mr. Ekerete Olawoye Gam-Ikon, the NAICOM Boss said, in today’s rapidly changing world, the concept of building enduring institutions is more relevant than ever.

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According to him, “institutions that outlive their founders represent sustainability, resilience, and continuous excellence, becoming pillars of strength for our communities and guiding us through times of change and uncertainty”.

He further noted that at NAICOM, there is a deep commitment to creating lasting legacies.

“This commitment is built on robust governance, innovation, and an unwavering dedication to ethical practices.

“These principles not only ensure the longevity of institutions but also foster trust and confidence among stakeholders”, he said.

Mr. Omosehin highlighted the crucial role insurance brokers play in this endeavour.

“As intermediaries who facilitate critical financial protection, brokers are instrumental in promoting stability and security whose efforts contribute to a safer and more predictable environment for businesses and individuals alike”, he said.

He expressed confidence that the discussions and insights shared during the retreat would illuminate strategies and best practices to ensure that the institutions built today will thrive for generations to come.

He, therefore, urged everyone present to use the opportunity to collaborate, learn from each other, and reinforce the insurance industry’s collective mission to create sustainable futures.

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