
Current Electricity Tariff Methodology Discriminatory, Unconstitutional -Dr. Amadi

By Sunday Etuka, Abuja

The former Chairman of the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), Dr. Sam Amadi has affirmed that the current electricity tariff arrangement in the country is discriminatory and unconstitutional.

Dr. Amadi who spoke exclusively to TheFact Daily on Monday noted that the Bands categorisation, where the customers in Band A are being served 20hours supply to the detriment of those in other Bands is discriminatory.

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He, therefore, called on NERC to revert to the old tariff review methodology that was all inclusive, adding that tariff review, if at all necessary, should be done across board without discrimination.

Dr. Amadi who is an Associate Professor and Head of Department at Baze University argued that the current tariff arrangement did not put into consideration the poor people that are being served by the Band A feeders.

The former NERC boss who is also the Director, Centre for Public Policy and Research, and Coordinator, Abuja School of Political and Social Thoughts, added that the commission did not follow regulatory due process, therefore, it should go back and consult widely.

“NERC should go for tariff review that follows regulatory due process. Consults widely with stakeholders”, he said.

While speaking on the decision by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) to picket NERC and power Distribution Companies (DisCos)’ offices across the country, with regards to the tariff and service discrimination, Dr. Amadi said, the Unions decision was justifiable, and in accordance with the law.

He cited an example of the Cybersecurity levy which the Unions protested against and was recently suspended by President Bola Tinubu. Noting that any policy of government introduced that is inimical to the poor Nigerians could be contested and reviewed, or suspended.

However, he said, he would always support NERC’s decision, as it has the right to effect tariff adjustments when there are changes in macroeconomic parameters.

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