
Enugu Governor Charges Pilgrims On Decorum During Pilgrimage Exercise

Enugu State Governor, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi has flagged off the 2022 Christian Pilgrimage exercise to Israel and Jordan in the state ,urging the intending pilgrims to exhibit high sense of decency and decorum while in the Holy land.

Ugwuanyi made the call on Friday while addressing the intending pilgrims during the orientation programme organized by the Mobilization Department of the Nigerian Christian Pilgrim Commission (NCPC) and the Enugu State Christian Pilgrims Welfare Board.

The governor tasked the intending pilgrims on zero abscondment during pilgrimage.

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He further charged them to ensure they pray for God,s intervention in the affairs of Nigeria and for smooth transition of a new Government in Nigeria in 2023.

He thanked the leadership of the commission for choosing the state for the inaugural airlift of the December 2022 pilgrimage exercise to Israel and Jordan.

The governor pointed out that his administration has been consistent in the sponsorship of christian pilgrims to the Holy land.

According to him,” every year christians in our state are sponsored on pilgrimage irrespective of their denominations “. He added,” today, 300 pilgrims would be airlifted to Israel and Jordan”.

Earlier , the Executive Secretary of NCPC, Revd. Yakubu Pam stated that Enugu had made history for being the first to be airlifted in this year’s December pilgrimage.

According to a statement by the Head Media and Public Relations, Celestine Toruka, the NCPC helmsman commended His Excellency, Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi for his dedication of faith for his people.

He lauded President Muhammadu Buhari for approving the commencement of the Pilgrimage and for his continued support for Christian Pilgrimage in Nigeria.

In the same vein, the NCPC boss also applauded the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Boss Mustapha for his support and guidance.

Rev. Pam hinted that this year,s December pilgrimage exercise was mainly the states affairs.

He admonished the intending pilgrims not to think of absconding in the holy land.

His words,” I want all of you to come back safely the way you went”.

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