
Northern Governors Brainstorm On Insecurity, Out-of-school Children

By Alice Etuka, Abuja

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The Northern Governors’ Forum (NGF) have expressed concerns over the burden of insecurity and out-of-school children in the region.

Chairman of the NGF, Gov. Muhammadu Yahaya of Gombe while speaking on their plight on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 in Kaduna stated that these were pressing issues that demanded immediate attention.

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Yahaya decried that Northern Nigeria currently shouldered the unfortunate burden of hosting the highest number of out-of-school children globally.

He emphasised the urgency of addressing the ‘unacceptable reality’, asserting, “Every child deserves access to quality education to thrive in today’s dynamic global economy.”

The Governor stressed the moral obligation of investing substantially in education, healthcare, and social services to unleash the full potential of youth and empower future generations.

He further highlighted that regional integration was a key pillar of their collective vision for a prosperous northern region. He therefore called for deeper collaborations in infrastructure development, human capital enhancement, trade, security cooperation, and cultural exchange.

He also reaffirmed their solidarity with fellow Northern states, reiterating the forum’s commitment to supporting one another during challenging times, adding that they would be collaborating with the Federal Government to provide lasting solutions to the recurring security challenges plaguing the region.

The NGF Chairman disclosed the ongoing engagements with relevant stakeholders to chart a sustainable path towards peace and stability in Northern Nigeria. In the same vein, he advocated models built on cooperation and collaboration among Northern States to enhance security.

He urged his fellow governors to maintain focus, sustain legacies, and explore innovative ways to invest in critical infrastructure to unlock the region’s vast industrial and economic potential.

Yahaya further highlighted the importance of environmental sustainability, urging holistic approaches to promote conservation and sustainable agriculture.

He also underscored the need for responsible resource management to safeguard livelihoods and preserve natural heritage for future generations.

On his part, Governor of Kaduna state, Gov. Uba Sani reiterated the Forum’s resolve to address environmental challenges threatening Northern Nigeria, which exacerbate poverty and insecurity.

He extolled the progress made in degrading criminal elements and called for a common strategy and operational plan to tackle insecurity. He also proposed the establishment of a Command and Control Centre to coordinate joint efforts

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