
Security: NSCDC Boss Pushes For Workable Multi-Agency Collaboration

The Commandant General (CG) of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Dr. Ahmed Abubakar Audi, has reaffirmed the need for a workable and water-tight synergy amongst Security Agencies and respective stakeholders in order to tackle head-on the contemporary security challenges in the nation.

The CG made the reaffirmation on Wednesday when he spoke at the Armed Forces Command and Staff College, Jaji Kaduna State as one of the key participants and resource persons at a workshop tagged:

“Joint and multi-agency training on Internal security and low-intensity conflict”, a program organized as part of the Exercise Haske Biyu 2024 Senior Course 46.

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In his paper presentation titled “Combating Contemporary Security Challenges In Nigeria through Enhanced Multi-Agency Collaboration in Internal Security Operation: The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps Perspectives”,

Dr. Audi elucidated on the emergence of the NSCDC and the constitutional recognition of the Corps as a ffull-fledgedFederal Government paramilitary agency which metamorphosed as a key player in the nation’s security architecture.

Audi decried the evolving security condition of the country which has called for a paradigm shift.

“The evolving nature of the nation’s security challenges has presented the NSCDC with formidable obstacles that calls for innovative strategies and most importantly collaborative efforts with other security agencies as individual efforts are no longer workable and realizable”, he said, hence the “urgent need for a paradigm shift towards enhanced multi-agency collaboration to successfully tackle the contemporary security challenges”.

The NSCDC boss further harped on interagency communication and intelligence sharing, noting that effective communication, sharing data, and joint operations during crises would enhance positive results in overcoming various security challenges.

He opined that accurate sharing of intelligence and operational information leading to situational awareness will definitely enable proactive response to emerging threats.



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