
TCN Deploys Digital Solution To Manage Grid Disturbances

By Sunday Etuka, Abuja

Worried by the persistent collapse of the power grid, the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has deployed Generation Dip/Loss Detection System (GLDS), a digital solution to enhance grid management.

The system was built to detect and respond to sudden drops or dips in power generation across the network.

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TCN’s General Manager, Public Affairs, Mrs Ndidi Mbah Who disclosed the development in a statement on Wednesday said, the new innovation stands as a testament to the TCN’s commitment to advancing grid management capabilities.

“Designed to empower the National Control Center (NCC) in Osogbo, GLDS provides grid controllers in NCC with advanced tools for real-time monitoring and analysis of grid performance.

“Its intuitive interface allows for the setting of parameters, continuous monitoring of power generating stations, and comprehensive reporting functionalities, enabling swift responses to grid disturbances.

“GLDS incorporates sophisticated data analytics and machine learning algorithms to analyze real-time data and identify patterns associated with sudden generation loss.

“By leveraging anomaly detection techniques, GLDS can promptly alert grid controllers on deviations from normal grid behaviour, facilitating proactive intervention to prevent widespread disruptions.

“Furthermore, TCN ensures seamless communication between GLDS and IoT cloud servers, enabling a more rapid response and coordination of mitigation strategies.

“This connectivity underscores TCN’s commitment to enhancing grid resilience and ensuring the uninterrupted delivery of electricity to consumers across Nigeria”, she explained.

Mrs. Mbah disclosed that the TCN engineers had previously developed an in-house design that leverages IoT technology as an innovative solution in response to the challenge of limited visibility of power generators.

She said, the IoT devices, which were strategically deployed across power stations and some substations, facilitate the collection of near real-time data, including power generation levels and grid performance metrics.

She also said that the IoT enabled the expansion of visibility of power generating stations from 6 to 27, this has helped TCN significantly improve its ability to monitor grid load and identify potential issues before they escalate.

“Recently, the IoT device was also used to capture generation from Taopex Gs and Zungeru Hydro Power Station, bringing the total number of power stations visible to the National Grid to 29.

“GLDS and the IoT represent a significant step forward in bolstering grid stability and reliability. These initiatives not only empower TCN’s grid controllers with the insights needed to proactively address challenges and minimize disruptions but also demonstrate TCN’s dedication to meeting the evolving demands of the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry (NESI)”, she said.

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