
TCN Restores National Grid, Blames Gas Constraints For System Collapse

By Sunday Etuka, Abuja

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) said, it has restored the national grid after the system collapse that occurred at 4:28 p.m. on Thursday, 28th March 2024.

TCN General Manager, Public Affairs, Mrs. Ndidi Mbah who announced the development in a statement on Friday, said, full recovery was achieved by 10:00 p.m. that same day.

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Mrs. Mbah said, a report from the National Control Centre (NCC) in Osogbo indicated that the system disturbance was triggered by a significant reduction in generation capacity, primarily due to gas constraints.

“This reduction led to a rapid decline in system frequency. This created a sudden imbalance in the grid.

“The imbalance in grid stability was exacerbated by the sudden tripping of Egbin generation turbine 3, resulting in an additional loss of 167MW load and the subsequent collapse of the grid.

“The grid has, however, since been recovered and is stable, and is currently transmitting all the generated power to distribution load centres nationwide”, she said.

TCN emphasised its unwavering commitment to addressing grid challenges and actively working to mitigate disruptions.

It said that in instances where challenges extend beyond its control, the company collaborates with other stakeholders in the power sector value chain to minimize the impact and swiftly restore the grid to normal operation.

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