
We’ll No Longer Tolerate Unprovoked Attacks Against Personnel -DHQ

By Anne Osemekeh, Abuja

The military high command has warned that unprovoked attacks against its personnel will no longer be tolerated.

The Director, Defence Media Operations, Maj Gen Edward Buba, gave the warning
during the bi-weekly press briefing with correspondents on Thursday, saying that the development impacts negatively on troops’ morale and fighting spirit.

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TheFact Daily notes that the warning is sequel to the unprovoked killings of 17 army personnel in Okuama community in Delta State, and the recent assault of an armed personnel at the Banex Plaza in Abuja, that led to the business hub being shutdown for a week.

Buba noted that the occurrences are worrisome and leave much to be desired, adding that the attacks are unwarranted, unhealthy for our national security, counter-productive and amount to self sabotage.

He pointed out that military personnel are real people, professionals in various spheres, have loved ones and most importantly, are Nigerian and not a foreign occupational entity.

“We are the tip of the spears, utilized by the nation to fight and destroy the extremists and every adversary to ensure the safety of citizens. Our tireless efforts make it possible for citizens to go about their affairs with a sense of safety”, he said.

While emphasizing that the military’s demonstration of a high level of discipline and its display of restraint and professionalism should not be taken for weakness, Buba said erring troops should be reported, as the military has a justice system that will address the matter.

“We are at war, and citizens must realize that they also have a responsibility by their actions and utterances to support troops to keep the morale and fighting spirit of troops at optimum at all times”, he said.

He assured that the military will continue to fight until the terrorists are defeated on the battlefield, “and we will help our nation to flourish again”.

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