
We’ll Restore Power Supply To FCE Okene -AEDC Assures

The management of Abuja Electricity Distribution Plc (AEDC) said, it was working with the management of Federal College of Education (FCE) Okene, Kogi State, to restore power supply to the Institution.

AEDC’s Chief Marketing Officer, Mr Donald Etim disclosed this in a statement on Tuesday, in Abuja.

The company said, contrary to reports that it was at loggerheads with the management of FCE over disruption of power supply to the Institution, it was actually working together with the institution to resolve the issue.

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“We wish to reaffirm that both Company and College are working together to resolve the issue.

“AEDC therefore uses this medium to reaffirm that the above publication is false as the company is in fact in cordial relationship with the customer as against the purported report”, it said.

The company explained that it places a high premium on its customers thus would never deliberately inflict pain or discomfort to them.

While the company acknowledges the existence of the complaint presented by the FCE, AEDC stated that it has since swung into action by ensuring the swift repairs of the damaged transformer bearing in mind the sensitivity of the role of FCE in Nigeria.

Till date, both parties have been in constant communication regarding the progress made on the repairs while committing to conclude the repairs within 3 weeks from the date of this publication.

According to AEDC Chief Marketing Officer, Mr. Donald Etim: “This is one case we have taken very seriously. From the onset, we have broken protocol and even tagged it as top priority to get it resolved. It is callousness and pure mischief for anyone to circulate a media release that seeks to project AEDC as an insensitive or unresponsive organization.

“For the records, we are neither. More, with our power of commitment on our side, we shall always strive to ensure that our customers get the best service we can offer at any given time.”

He further stated that it is unfortunate that proper verification with AEDC or the school Management was not done prior to the alleged publication by some media outlets.

“AEDC restates its unflinching commitment to all its customers stating that it will not relent in ensuring all its customers are timely serviced and 100% satisfied”, the company said.

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