
Consistent Training Paramount To Improved Military Performance – COAS

The Chief Of Army Staff, COAS, Lieutenant General Faruk Yahaya has affirmed that consistent training across formations and units of the Nigerian Army was key for enhanced military performance.

The Army Chief made the affirmation Tuesday, 24 January 2023, while declaring open a week long Training Week for Division Training Officers (DTO) at Headquarters 3 Division Nigerian Army Jos.

TheFact Daily reports that the workshop, which was organized by Army Headquarters Department of Training was themed “Enhancing Training at Division Level for Better Operational Performance in a Joint Environment”, and had in attendance Division Training Officers (DTO) across the Divisions of the Nigerian Army (NA) aimed at building their capacity, while also creating an avenue for DTO to share ideas and brainstorm on how best to further enhance training in the NA.

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The COAS, who was represented by the Deputy Chief of Training Army, Major General Mohammed Etsu-Ndagi, charged participants to share their experiences and challenges in their various Division Training Schools in order to proffer solutions to some of the training challenges faced by the NA .

Earlier in his welcome address, the General Officer Commanding (GOC) 3 Division and Commander Operation SAFE HAVEN (OPSH), Major General Abdulsalami Ibrahim, said the seminar is aimed at providing a platform for DTO to compare notes and come up with modalities to enhance training at their respective DTS.

He reiterated that the training also offers a unique opportunity for newly posted in DTO to fully understand their roles and responsibilities.

Gen. Ibrahim stressed that training must be done at formations and units level because that was where the bulk of officers are, adding that the Training Week was coming at the right time considering the current security threats that require upscaling the proficiency of military personnel in tackling the challenge.

He urged participants to apply themselves, take back what they would learn during the seminar and add to their respective formations and units in order to produce good officers and soldiers.

Delivering the opening lecture on “Building the Capacity of Nigerian Army Personnel for Tackling 21st Century Challenges: Division Training Schools in Perspective”, the resource person, Brigadier General Shuaib Nuhu, dwelled on contemporary challenges faced by DTS and offered solutions to some of the challenges.

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