
FG Meets Host Communities On 3050MW Mambilla Hydropower Project

The Federal Government on Tuesday engaged host communities at the sites of the 3050 megawatts (MW) Mambilla hydropower project being planned for in Taraba State.

According to the Minister of Power, Engr. Sale Mamman who flagged off the sensitisation in Jalingo, the Taraba State capital, the COVID-19 pandemic affected the project’s take-off.

See His Full Speech

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  1. It is my great pleasure to be among you this afternoon as we take another bold step towards the take-off of the long-awaited Mambilla Hydroelectric Power Project.
  2. Your Excellency, this event which marks the official kick-off of the sensitization of Host Communities for the Mambilla Hydroelectric Power Project is another milestone in our collaborative engagement to deliver this important project for the good of all Nigerians, particularly the people of Taraba state who are a host of the project. His Excellency, President Muhammadu Buhari is committed to actualizing this long dream for our dear nation.
  3. This sensitization meeting is aimed at providing the host communities of this project and other Stakeholders the desired information and galvanize their support as we move to the next level of the project implementation stage, which is the survey and enumeration for compensation in that order, after the delay of the take-off of the exercise caused by Covid-19 pandemic.
  4. Your Excellency, since the constitution of the Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee (IMSC) and the Project Delivery Committee (PDC) on the Mambilla Hydroelectric Power Project by President Muhammadu Buhari, in January this year, the following have been achieved.

Execution of landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed with the Taraba State Government to enhance project coordination and to facilitate acquiring Land titles for the project sites.

Commencement of the Land and Aerial Surveys of the Project site to facilitate full land title acquisition where the Ministry of Power and Taraba State Government resolved to carry out both Aerial and Ground Surveys to update the previous surveys carried out on the project.

Development of a comprehensive project implementation manual (PIM) document to guide end-to-end project planning, execution, management, and operations in a most transparent manner consistent with best practice.

Development of a comprehensive local content promotion strategy to ensure effective use of Nigeria’s human and material resources for the project, toward local economic development during and after the project execution with the potential to create many high-paying jobs.

The gathering of 50year Hydrological data of the Mambilla Plateau was used to improve the project design.

Identified new ways of resolving the lingering arbitration on the project by making modest budgetary provision within the existing contract price using savings from the project to settle claims, and

The review of the project to ensure its bankability as required by the lenders and to ensure the project when completed will offer the cheapest electricity tariffs to the market.

  1. Apart from the developments on Mambilla Hydroelectric Power Project, let me also intimate you on some of the giant steps we are taking to boost electricity supply to the people of Taraba State.

The Regional National Power Training Centre in Gembu will be in full swing very soon as modalities for its take-off is completed. This is a strategic manpower development initiative to adequately prepare the people of Mambilla Plateau in particular and the State, in general, to drive maximum benefits on the hydropower project by getting the professional skills required in different components of the project. Before the final take-off of the training institute, I have directed the National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN) to immediately commence the massive training of our youths in the State in the areas of solar PV installations, electrical installations, and metering to make them self-reliant.

Let me also use this forum to formally announce that the Jalingo works center we approved for the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) is fully operational. TCN has deployed professional staff to man the center that is mainly going to serve the Jalingo transmission substation and the newly built Kashimbilla power plant and the transmission facilities that will evacuate the 40MW to be generated and even the upcoming Mambilla transmission network.

At this point it is worth mentioning that as part of the power improvement efforts of my Ministry in the North-East zone, and particularly in Taraba state the following projects have been completed:

2X7.5 MVA, 33/0.415kV Substation at Kashimbilla;

2X60MVA, 132/33kV Substation at Wukari;

2X60MVA, 132/33kV Substation at Takum;

2X7.5MVA, 33/11/0.415kV Substation at Donga; and

2X7.5MVA, 33/11/0.415kV Substation at Rafin Kada. This will significantly improve the reliability and quality of power supply to these communities and environs.

Also, the people of Jalingo and its environs will soon enjoy a major boost in electricity supply as work for the upgrading of the Jalingo 2x60MVA, 132/33kV to 2x150MVA, 330/132/33kV, and 2x100MVA, 132/33kV transformers have reached an advance level of completion.

You Excellency, Ladies, and Gentlemen, let me also intimate you that a holistic survey of the electricity distribution challenges in Jalingo and environs have been conducted, and very soon a major overhaul of the distribution infrastructure will be carried out to enhance adequate power distribution.

To provide to the unserved and underserved communities in Taraba State, Mini-grid projects such as 37-kilowatt Mini-grid in Takum and Ussa; 5-kilowatt Mini-grid in Makama Community in Donga; and 7.5-kilowatt Mini-grid at the Federal University of Wukari are all completed and ready for commissioning. Also, another 150-kilowatt capacity Solar Mini-grid system will be installed at Tella, Gassol LGA of the State and by the grace of God work will commence latest by the end of November 2020.

  1. At this juncture, therefore, let me on behalf of the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Ministry of Power thank His Excellency and his team for their relentless support in ensuring the success of this project and other power sector projects we are pursuing in Taraba state. May I also thank the Members of the National Assembly who are here with us today for their continuous support of the projects?
  2. For the host communities, let me assure you that this project is not in any way going to shortchange anyone of you as we are deploying global best standard models for compensation and other engagements with you. All we need from you is your cooperation, understanding, and support. Our doors are widely open for your inputs.
  3. Finally, on behalf of my team from the Ministry of Power and the entire Federal Government, I wish you a successful sensitization and journey mercies back to your respective destinations.
  4. Thank you.

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