Enough Of Violence, Blood Shed, Kaigama Appeals To FG

The Catholic Archbishop of Abuja, most Revd. Ignatius Kaigama has appealed to the federal government to put and end to the violence and blood shed in the country.
Kaigama made the appeal on Sunday during his homily at Our Lady Help of Christain outstation in Dagba, Abuja.
TheFact Nigeria noted that the Archbishop said, “As we continue to pray for forgiveness, reconciliation, healing and peace in all troubled regions of the world, we identify with the people of Kagoro community in Kaduna State who suffered yet another brutal attack on March 20, 2022, by yet to be identified gunmen, leaving not less than 34 people dead, with over 200 houses and 32 shops razed down.
“Enough of this violence and bloodshed! How much more can this and similar atrocities in parts of Nigeria take place before decisive actions are taken by the authorities concerned?
“Having prayed fervently for Ukraine, let us pray for Southern Kaduna and those areas in Nigeria where killings, kidnappings, banditry seem to have become normal phenomena.
“We implore the help of our Blessed Mother to bring these killings and destructions to a rapid and definitive end, so that we can truly rejoice not only today, but always.
His Grace who enjoined christians to rejoice in the mercy and love of God said, “Halfway into Lent, we are enjoined during this fourth Sunday to rejoice. In whom or in what should do we rejoice?
“The Church asks us to rejoice in the love and mercy of God whose arms are always open to welcomeus back to Himself especially, and also, Easter, the day of Christ’s victory over sin and death is nearer than when we started Ash Wednesday.
“The parable of the prodigal son in today’s Gospel is set against the backdrop of the accusations directed at Jesus by the Pharisees that He was eating and drinking with sinners and tax collectors.
“The extravagant love of the father of the prodigal son is typical of God’s love for the sinner who returns to the merciful arms of a loving Father. He receives us with delight and restores our dignity.
“The son came to his senses after suffering in a distant land, became remorseful, and decided, “I will arise and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me like one of your hired servants” (Lk. 15:18 19) , “ he said.